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Version: v1.28.x

Configuring z/OSMF

Configuring z/OSMF

The following information contains procedures and tips for meeting z/OSMF requirements. For complete information, go to IBM Knowledge Center and read the following documents.

z/OS requirements for z/OSMF configuration

Ensure that the z/OS system meets the following requirements:

RequirementsDescriptionResources in IBM Knowledge Center
AXR (System REXX)z/OS uses AXR (System REXX) component to perform Incident Log tasks. The component enables REXX executable files to run outside of conventional TSO and batch environments.System REXX
Common Event Adapter (CEA) serverThe CEA server, which is a co-requisite of the Common Information Model (CIM) server, enables the ability for z/OSMF to deliver z/OS events to C-language clients.Customizing for CEA
Common Information Model (CIM) serverz/OSMF uses the CIM server to perform capacity-provisioning and workload-management tasks. Start the CIM server before you start z/OSMF (the IZU* started tasks).Reviewing your CIM server setup
CONSOLE and CONSPROF commandsThe CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands must exist in the authorized command table.Customizing the CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands
Java levelIBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS®, Java Technology Edition V8 or later is required.Software prerequisites for z/OSMF
TSO region sizeTo prevent exceeds maximum region size errors, verify that the TSO maximum region size is a minimum of 65536 KB for the z/OS system.N/A
User IDsUser IDs require a TSO segment (access) and an OMVS segment. During workflow processing and REST API requests, z/OSMF might start one or more TSO address spaces under the following job names: userid; substr(userid, 1, 6) CN (Console).N/A

Configuring z/OSMF

Follow these steps:

  1. From the console, issue the following command to verify the version of z/OS:


    Part of the output contains the release, for example,

    RELEASE z/OS 02.02.00.
  2. Configure z/OSMF.

    z/OSMF is a base element of z/OS V2.2 and V2.3, so it is already installed. But it might not be configured and running on every z/OS V2.2 and V2.3 system.

    In short, to configure an instance of z/OSMF, run the IBM-supplied jobs IZUSEC and IZUMKFS, and then start the z/OSMF server. The z/OSMF configuration process occurs in three stages, and in the following order:

    • Stage 1 - Security setup
    • Stage 2 - Configuration
    • Stage 3 - Server initialization

    This stage sequence is critical to a successful configuration. For complete information about how to configure z/OSMF, see Configuring z/OSMF for the first time if you use z/OS V2.2 or Setting up z/OSMF for the first time if V2.3.

Note: In z/OS V2.3, the base element z/OSMF is started by default at system initial program load (IPL). Therefore, z/OSMF is available for use as soon as you set up the system. If you prefer not to start z/OSMF automatically, disable the autostart function by checking for START commands for the z/OSMF started procedures in the COMMNDxx parmlib member.

The z/OS Operator Consoles task is new in Version 2.3. Applications that depend on access to the operator console such as Zowe™ CLI's RestConsoles API require Version 2.3.

  1. Verify that the z/OSMF server and angel processes are running. From the command line, issue the following command:

    /D A,IZU*

    If jobs IZUANG1 and IZUSVR1 are not active, issue the following command to start the angel process:

    /S IZUANG1

    After you see the message ""CWWKB0056I INITIALIZATION COMPLETE FOR ANGEL"", issue the following command to start the server:

    /S IZUSVR1

    The server might take a few minutes to initialize. The z/OSMF server is available when the message ""CWWKF0011I: The server zosmfServer is ready to run a smarter planet."" is displayed.

  2. Issue the following command to find the startup messages in the SDSF log of the z/OSMF server:

    f IZUG349I

    You could see a message similar to the following message, which indicates the port number:

    IZUG349I: The z/OSMF STANDALONE Server home page can be accessed at after the z/OSMF server is started on your system.

    In this example, the port number is 443. You will need this port number later.

    Point your browser at the nominated z/OSMF STANDALONE Server home page and you should see its Welcome Page where you can log in.

Note: If your implementation uses an external security manager other than RACF (for example, Top Secret for z/OS or ACF2 for z/OS), you provide equivalent commands for your environment. For more information, see the following product documentation:

z/OSMF REST services for the Zowe CLI

The Zowe CLI uses z/OSMF Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs to work with system resources and extract system data. Ensure that the following REST services are configured and available.

z/OSMF REST servicesRequirementsResources in IBM knowledge Center
Cloud provisioning servicesCloud provisioning services are required for the Zowe CLI CICS and Db2 command groups. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/provisioning/Cloud provisioning services
TSO/E address space servicesTSO/E address space services are required to issue TSO commands in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/tsoAppTSO/E address space services
z/OS console servicesz/OS console services are required to issue console commands in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/restconsoles/z/OS console services
z/OS data set and file REST interfacez/OS data set and file REST interface is required to work with mainframe data sets and UNIX System Services files in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/restfiles/z/OS data set and file REST interface
z/OS jobs REST interfacez/OS jobs REST interface is required to use the zos-jobs command group in the Zowe CLI. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/restjobs/z/OS jobs REST interface
z/OSMF workflow servicesz/OSMF workflow services is required to create and manage z/OSMF workflows on a z/OS system. Endpoints begin with /zosmf/workflow/z/OSMF workflow services

Zowe uses symbolic links to the z/OSMF,, and ltpa.keys files. Zowe reuses SAF, SSL, and LTPA configurations; therefore, they must be valid and complete.

For more information, see Using the z/OSMF REST services in IBM z/OSMF documentation.

To verify that z/OSMF REST services are configured correctly in your environment, enter the REST endpoint into your browser. For example:


  • Browsing z/OSMF endpoints requests your user ID and password for defaultRealm; these are your TSO user credentials.
  • The browser returns the status code 200 and a list of all jobs on the z/OS system. The list is in raw JSON format.

Configuration of z/OSMF to properly work with API ML

There is an issue observed in z/OSMF which leads to a stuck JSON web token(JWT). It manifests as the endpoint /zosmf/services/authenticate issuing a JWT with success RC that is not valid for API calls, resulting in 401 response status code. This is a persistent condition. To get the token unstuck, perform a logout with the LTPA token from the login request. This causes logins to start serving unique JWTs again. Until this issue is properly fixed in z/OSMF, we propose a possible temporary workaround. Update z/OSMF configuration with allowBasicAuthLookup="false". After applying this change, each authentication call results in generating a new JWT.